We have a full weekend of events planned in the Rehoboth Baptist Association for March 7-10, 2025. Please promote them with the folks at your church!
Below is a brief description of each event.
RBA Ladies Conference
Date: Friday, March 7, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: The ROC at FBC Sulphur Springs
Speaker: Leeann Stiles
Cost: $10.00 (includes dinner)
Registration: Click Here
The newly formed RBA Ladies' Team has worked very hard to plan out the RBA Ladies Conference. There will be great food, special music, fun door prizes and needed encouragement from God’s Word specifically for the ladies of our churches. Leeann Stiles is an experienced speaker who has a heart for the gospel and a desire to see people changed by it. This will be a great time of fellowship for the ladies from all of the churches in our association. Please forward this information to whoever coordinates your ladies' ministry events.
JBC Evangelism Conference
Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: Journey Baptist Church, Sulphur Springs
Speakers: Mack and Leeann Stiles
Cost: $10.00 (includes lunch)
Registration: Click Here
Journey Baptist Church is partnering with Macon Baptist Church and Reilly Springs Baptist Church, along with other sponsors (The Pillar Network, Crossway Publishing, and 10ofThose), to host an Evangelism Conference on March 8, 2025. Mack Stiles will be the speaker. Mack and his wife Leeann have served overseas as missionaries in the Middle East. Mack has also written several books, including the book on Evangelism in the 9Marks “Building Healthy Churches Series.” If you or anyone in your church is interested in attending, we would love to have you. Your registration includes the conference, lunch and two free books. Please promote this with your church membership.
RBA Evangelism Rally
Date: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM
Location: FBC Sulphur Springs
Speaker: Mack Stiles
Cost: Free
Registration: None (Just Show Up)
I would like to invite the members of all of the churches in our association to join us for a corporate worship gathering on March 9, 2025 hosted by Dr. Jeff Gravens and First Baptist Church of Sulphur Springs. The RBA Ministry has worked hard to plan out an evening that will be both encouraging and impactful. We have trimmed down as much excess as possible to keep the evening from dragging on as these events sometimes can. Brady Fisher at FBC, Sulphur Springs has done a tremendous job in selecting music and media that will set the tone for the evening. And you will be blessed to hear Mack Stiles deliver a solid charge from God’s Word encouraging you to embrace the gospel personally and to share it with others for the glory of God. As I wrote in the latest edition of the RBA newsletter, "Our churches need to continually be encouraged with the gospel because our communities desperately need the gospel.” Please make plans to join us!
RBA Pastors and Staff Lunch
Date: Monday, March 10, 2025
Time: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Location: FBC Sulphur Springs, Room 108
Special Guest: Mack Stiles
Cost: Free (includes free lunch)
Registration: Please RSVP
On the first Monday of every month, the pastors of the association gather for fellowship over lunch and prayer. For the month of March, we will move our lunch to the second Monday. Mack Stiles will be our special guest that day. Drawing upon his years of experience in intercultural ministry, he will speak to us about the need for healthy, church-centered missions. He will share about the work that he and Leeann are doing in Kurdistan and Dubai and the work they've done for missions with "The Great Commission Council.” He will have information about these projects available for anyone who is interested. Normally we all bring our own lunch to these gatherings. This time lunch will be provided for you.
I know that this is a lot for one weekend. But we have no greater purpose in this life as churches and individual believers than to delight in, display and declare the gospel for the glory of God. If we are going to devote ourselves to something let it be the gospel. Please promote these events and plan to join us.
- God bless -
Danny Caldwell
Executive Director
Rehoboth Baptist Association